Zilhaj 1438 AH Moon sighted from Karachi, Eid-ul-Adha on 2nd September 2017

The crescent Moon of Zilhaj was to be easily visible with the naked eye on 23rd August 2017. The sky was a bit cloudy yet I went to the roof with my DSLR to find the Moon and capture it. I found the amazing rainbow colored cloud formation and took a shot. Then I tried finding the Moon without any optical aid and it was easily visible with the naked eye. I was lucky to get a clear patch of sky. Later, the clouds covered crescent moon.

Eid-ul-Adha will be on 2nd September, 2017. Here are few shots.


Zilhaj 1438 Moon

Zilhaj 1438 Moon



Zilhaj 1438 Moon

Zilhaj 1438 Moon


Zilhaj 1438 Moon

Zilhaj 1438 Moon

Abubaker Siddiq Shekhani

Abubaker Shekhani is an IT Entrepreneur and Full Stack Developer. He is the co-founder and the Developer behind Mytabeeb, a health care solution. He has worked for 5 years in Microsoft Dynamics AX space with Techno-functional role and glad to be one of few Microsoft Dynamics AX developers/consultants in Pakistan. He is TEDx speaker and likes to speak in public. He is an Amateur Astronomer and Astrophotographer. He is the founding member of Karachi Astronomers Society. He can be reached at me@abubakershekhani.com.