Tagged: technology

Pakistan cities for Developers 4

Pakistan cities for Developers

While developing a website or web application, often we are in hurry and need things ready at our disposal. We just want to copy and paste and use it. While developing app, I couldn’t find cities of Pakistan that I can copy paste and use. I spent a few minutes in order to make the cities according to my needs. In order to save...


Healthcare revolution in Pakistan

This article is about health care in Pakistan. Many companies are utilizing technology for making lives easier and work faster. Similarly, many tech companies in Pakistan are working in different domains and industry to cater specific needs. There are healthcare websites available in Pakistan but are not maintained properly. You can find doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and similar resources in Pakistan by using such platforms...

Microsoft One Note 0

A few things you should know about Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneNote is one of the products that is quite uncommon at workplace if you compare with Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook. One thing I would like to clear is that I am not a Microsoft employee. I am a Microsoft Products user and OneNote is one of my favorite products that have helped me organized during my work in and out of...

Sensor sizes of digital PnS camera and DSLR 0

The greater the mega pixel, the better the photo quality – Right or wrong?

Mega pixel is a term used to buy and sell the cameras. This term is not only a term but rather a defining feature of digital camera. People say the greater Mega Pixel the better. There 2 main types of camera: Digital SLR and Point-n-shoot. An example of Digital SLR is Canon 60D and point-n-shoot PowerShot A4000 IS. There is one more type of...