Partial lunar eclipse from Karachi – 7 Aug 2017
Lunar Eclipse in Karachi – We have been hearing about a partial Lunar eclipse from various news paper, channels and news blogs such as, Earth Sky and NASA. A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth comes in between Moon and Sun during or near Full Moon while obstructing the Sun light on the Moon making it dark. Last year we had penumbral lunar eclipse in Sep 2016 that was visible from Karachi.
This month (August) of year, the Earth was to witness the Partial solar eclipse in which the position of Moon and Earth is such that the some of the light from Sun still passes and not blocked by the Earth, therefore, only part of the Moon becomes dark.
Pakistan lies in the region where monsoon season is at its peak and we have been getting clouds since 3 months now. I got calls and messages from many people including news channels, friends, blogs and visitors of my facebook page asking about the possibility of Lunar Eclipse. Some of them were confused whether we should see the eclipse, some of them didn’t know it was partial and what partial actually means, so I cleared confusion out of them and told them to give it a try. It was cloudy in Karachi yesterday night as there were some thick high altitude clouds coming from the South East and then there were low altitude clouds coming from North West thereby blocking the bright and to be eclipsed Moon.
I went to my rooftop casually and found it was fully cloudy but there were some patches. Yes. I could see the start of the eclipse. Then I went downstairs to complete my work and came back during the peak at 11:20 PM and to my surprise I saw the eclipse finally and then thick clouds obstructed the eclipsed Moon. I brought my DSLR and waited for a long time to get another 5 seconds patch of clear sky. Finally after waiting for almost an hour, I got a 10 second window at 12:15 AM I captured the below photo.
Astronomy has been my passion for a decade now and since then I have learned a lot and in return I have contributed a lot back to the community which makes me feel even better and motivated.
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