Author: Abubaker Siddiq Shekhani


My success story at Karachi Astronomers Society

I have been a nature lover since childhood. I started gardening at an age of 10 years. I love mountains and rain. I loved stars and so I loved Moon. It was 2007 when the spark of Astronomy got to its peak and from there on wards a journey of Astronomy and leadership started. I founded Astronomy club at my university SZABIST and later...


Astrophotography Exhibition at T2F

Astronomy is my hobby and passion and so is photography. When both combined makes me an Astrophotographer. In 2007, I first saw photos of Moon and planets. Then I found a book practical sky watching in which I found some really awesome photographs of Orion Nebula, Milky way, Andromeda galaxy and wide field photos of the sky and earth. I started capturing photos with...

Zilhaj 1438 Moon 0

Zilhaj 1438 AH Moon sighted from Karachi, Eid-ul-Adha on 2nd September 2017

The crescent Moon of Zilhaj was to be easily visible with the naked eye on 23rd August 2017. The sky was a bit cloudy yet I went to the roof with my DSLR to find the Moon and capture it. I found the amazing rainbow colored cloud formation and took a shot. Then I tried finding the Moon without any optical aid and it...


Perseids meteor shower 2017 from Pakistan

Perseids Meteor Shower – There has been lot of news floating on the world wide web since a month now that this will be the brightest meteor shower recorded in human history. Many people are being fooled by that misleading news which is really sad. Perseid meteor shower is one of the best meteor showers of the year (NOT THE BEST) having meteor rate of...


Partial lunar eclipse from Karachi – 7 Aug 2017

Lunar Eclipse in Karachi – We have been hearing about a partial Lunar eclipse from various news paper, channels and news blogs such as, Earth Sky and NASA. A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth comes in between Moon and Sun during or near Full Moon while obstructing the Sun light on the Moon making it dark. Last year we had penumbral lunar...


Harry Potter characters after famous star names

The best-selling book series, Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling took the world by a storm. Those who may be fans of astronomy and also of the series may have realized that some of the characters are named after our astronomical objects. These include the names of the stars, constellations and galaxies, which were named by the Greek and Arab philosophers and scientists. How do I...

Mirikot Fort, Sindh, with rare sight of Milky Way Sagittarius arm and Perseus arm 1

Milkyway galaxy from Ranikot fort – Pakistan

Ranikot Fort is located in Sindh about 250Kms from Karachi. I went once for a day trip and loved the place. I found that was no light pollution in that area so it should be perfect for #Astronomy and #Astrophotography. I like to travel and love to stay up at night observing galaxies and nebulas. In Oct 2015, I led a group of 50+...


First university level Astronomy club of Pakistan

Since my childhood I am close to nature and that made me a good observer and allowed me to ponder over the existence and the reason of why something is like it is. At age of 12 years, I started to take care of my garden myself. In class 4, I created a volcanic mountain model and types of mountains (shows my interest in...


An adventurous and memorable trip to Sehr Bagla, Murree

It was Mid-December 2012 when one of my friends invited me for a trip to Murree and Kashmir. He knew that I love adventure and traveling especially the nature, the mountains, the trees and the snow. I got excited but had a few commitments. The commitments were managed and I made up my mind to join them as I had taken vacations from office....


Passion is energy – TEDx talk at Institute of Space Technology, Pakistan

Being a Software Engineer, a computer programmer and at the same time being Artist, I was invited by Institute of Space Technology to speak about how to be creative, how to be inventive and how to make your hobby into a profitable business. Major inspirations include Bonsai art, a few of my inventions during university, Mytabeeb, a healthcare app, where I learned to develop an...


Apple iPhone battery shutdown – How I solved it

Apple’s iPhone battery issue is being circulated on social media, forums and tech blogs but there is no proper solution proposed by anyone even Apple hasn’t fully taken responsibility. The issue started when iOS 10.1 was launched. iPhone 5s, 6 and 6s were the most affected phones including new ones as well as two years old sets. Apple even launched Battery replacement program for...