A photographic journey to Moon – The Amazing Lunar Surface

Obsession to Moon

Earth’s Moon is the only celestial object that can be seen easily with naked-eye at night. One doesn’t need to have a black transparent sky to observe it. I had been observing Moon since my childhood but at that time I didn’t have a Binoculars, or a Telescope to observe it or a camera to capture the beautiful Moon and its phases.

Photographing Moon and its features

In Oct. 2013 I got a chance to shoot the Moon on a clear sky using a telescope and a DSLR camera. After two to three shots I managed to get a crisp and clean shot. I took it as a project to learn the Lunar surface features (Mare, Craters, and mountains) by marking them on photo taken by me. One purpose of this project is to learn myself and at the same time share the excellent shots with other Astronomy enthusiasts in Karachi, Pakistan and around the globe. I have used Afocal astrophotography with telescope. I got my hands on an excellent ApoChromatic Skywatcher’s refractor telescope and a Canon DSLR. I was able to do Prime focus Astrophotography of Moon with DSLR and got some awesome and high resolution images of Moon. And now I have divided the moons into different parts to mark the Lunar features myself.

The following photos of Moon are copyrighted and can only be used for learning purposes with my website link and name and watermark.

The Moon at ~900mm

The Moon shot has been divided into many parts or maps so we can learn the craters and other features easily.

Moon from Karachi, Pakistan on 9th of Zilhaj

Moon from Karachi, Pakistan on 9th of Zilhaj. Unedited photo except for watermark and notes.


 How to view features

In order to see the description of the feature in the photo, click on photo and bring your mouse over a feature (crater or Mare, or mountain) and you will see its name and details.

Moon Map 1

Moon Map 1

Moon Map 1

Moon Map 2

Moon Map 2

Moon Map 2

Moon Map 3

Moon Map 3

Moon Map 3

Moon Map 4

Moon Map 4

Moon Map 4

Moon Map 5

Moon Map 5

Moon Map 5

Moon Map 6

Moon Map 6

Moon Map 6


I will keep updating this post as I have many such other photos covering most of the craters that are visible on the 9th day of Moon. Stay tuned! You can subscribe to my blog using the RSS feeds here https://feeds.feedburner.com/AbubakerSiddiqShekhaniBlog






Abubaker Siddiq Shekhani

Abubaker Shekhani is an IT Entrepreneur and Full Stack Developer. He is the co-founder and the Developer behind Mytabeeb, a health care solution. He has worked for 5 years in Microsoft Dynamics AX space with Techno-functional role and glad to be one of few Microsoft Dynamics AX developers/consultants in Pakistan. He is TEDx speaker and likes to speak in public. He is an Amateur Astronomer and Astrophotographer. He is the founding member of Karachi Astronomers Society. He can be reached at me@abubakershekhani.com.

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